Humic and Fulvic essentially prepare nutrients to inter-react with each other, and those synergistic relationships are what fuel cellular energy. Better cellular energy translates into better physical energy and stamina, healthy cognitive function, restful sleep, balanced body pH, and a vigorous immune system. Plant-derived Humic/Fulvic Minerals create energizing results you can feel.Humic and Fulvic also assist the body’s natural detoxification processes. This is one of the most sought-after benefits of Humic and Fulvic. Mineral Blend Fulvic-Humic aids elimination of everyday toxins from the body.Supports healthy immune system functionAids they body’s natural detoxification processesPromotes sound restful sleepSupports the whole body’s healthy inflammation responseSupports normal hormone balance and healthy metabolic functionProvides antioxidant support for cell protection from free radicalsReplenishes key electrolytesSupports blood sugar levels already in the normal rangeEnhances cellular energyProvides cognitve supportAssists the body’s natural healing functionsBoosts enzyme activity and supports healthy digestive functionAlkalizing minerals assist proper pH and healthy oxygenation levelsAlkaline pH of between 9.0 and 9.5